Acupuncture stimulates the balance and flow of Qi energy that in Traditional Chinese Medicine is considered essential to health. When the body is healthy, Qi flows smoothly through the meridians that make up a conceptual network of pathways throughout the entire body. When the balance or flow of Qi is deficient or obstructed it may be diseased or susceptible to illness. Acupuncture treats both the symptoms and the root causes of the patient’s illness.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, Qi circulates in the body through a system of channels called meridians. Qi can be stimulated in the body through various acupuncture points on the surface and flows to deeper organ structures. The stimulation of Qi in the meridians allows the body to rebalance from the negative impacts of daily life and diseases. Because acupuncture therapy has unique advantages, it has a wide range of implications. Its curative effect is rapid and obvious, the procedure is straightforward, the medical expenses are economical, and there are few side effects. Acupuncture has been an important part of Chinese medicine for generations, and in today’s world, it has spread to more than 140 countries and regions around the world, playing an important role in upkeeping and maintaining the health of people around the world.
Acupuncture is a unique form of medicine that aids in the recovery of many different types of health issues. In clinical practices, the practitioner will diagnose cause of the disease or illness, after which the practitioner will prescribe the most effective form of acupuncture therapy. The unique advantage of acupuncture therapy is that it is does not rely on taking any medications for treatment. In addition, there are many other advantages of acupuncture therapy: Acupuncture can be used to treat a wide range of illnesses ranging from internal to external, and from infants to the elderly. Acupuncture is also used as a preventative and facilitative treatment method.
The results of acupuncture are quick and significant. These results are exemplified in cases such as disease resistance, analgesia and pain relief. The procedure of acupuncture is straight forward and simple. The medical expenses associated with acupuncture therapy are quite low compared to other alternative forms of medical treatment.
Acupuncture therapy is safe and reliable and there are few adverse or side effects involved with acupuncture therapy. In addition, acupuncture therapy can be combined with other therapies for an affective and comprehensive treatment plan.
Acupuncture Filiform Needling Therapy
The most common acupuncture treatment method involves the insertion of thin needles into the specific acupuncture points in the skin tissue with a plastic guide tube. Needles may be manipulated in various ways, including spinning, flicking, moving up or down relative to the skin and insertion at different angles. The point of insertion is called an acupoint, and according to the latest acupuncture textbook statistic, the human body has a total 361 positive acupoints.
Plum Blossom Needle Therapy
Plum Blossom Needle therapy is an alternative acupuncture technique that uses an instrument with a flexible handle attached to a plastic head that has 5 to 7 small needles arranged in a circular pattern. The practitioner uses the instrument to gently tap on acupoints to help invigorate and smoothen blood and Qi circulation.
Modern Acupuncture techniques
Modern acupuncture and moxibustion techniques include scalp acupuncture, eye-acupuncture, hand acupuncture, foot acupuncture, wrist acupuncture, acupoint laser treatment, acupoint embedding treatment, acupoint magnetic therapy, acupoint injection therapy, acupoint cutting treatment and acupoint ligation treatment.
Other Acupuncture techniques
Triangular acupuncture, skin acupuncture, intradermal acupuncture, fire acupuncture, electroacupuncture, and warm acupuncture.